Source code for password_setting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sets of password settings for a domain.

from datetime import datetime
import getpass
import string
import re
import binascii
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from random import shuffle
from crypter import Crypter

DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_LOWER_CASE = string.ascii_lowercase
DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_UPPER_CASE = string.ascii_uppercase
DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_EXTRA = '#!"§$%&/()[]{}=-_+*<>;:.'

[docs]class PasswordSetting(object): """ This saves one set of settings for a certain domain. Use a PasswordSettingsManager to save the settings to a file. """ def __init__(self, domain): self.domain = domain self.url = None self.username = None self.legacy_password = None self.notes = None self.iterations = 4096 self.salt = Crypter.createSalt() self.creation_date = self.modification_date = self.creation_date self.extra_characters = DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_EXTRA self.template = 'x'*10 self.calculate_template(True, True, True, True) self.synced = False def __str__(self): output = "<" + self.domain + ": (" if self.username: output += "username: " + str(self.username) + ", " if self.legacy_password: output += "legacy password: " + str(self.legacy_password) + ", " if self.notes: output += "notes: " + str(self.notes) + ", " output += "iterations: " + str(self.iterations) + ", " output += "salt: " + str(binascii.hexlify(self.salt)) + ", " output += "template: " + str(self.template) + ", " output += "modification date: " + self.get_modification_date() + ", " output += "creation date: " + self.get_creation_date() + ", " if self.extra_characters: output += "extra characters: \"" + self.extra_characters + "\", " if self.synced: output += "synced" else: output += "not synced" output += ")>" return output
[docs] def get_domain(self): """ Returns the domain name or another string used in the domain field. :return: the domain :rtype: str """ return self.domain
[docs] def set_domain(self, domain): """ Change the domain string. :param domain: the domain :type domain: str """ self.domain = domain self.synced = False
[docs] def has_username(self): """ Returns True if the username is set. :return: :rtype: bool """ return self.username and len(str(self.username)) > 0
[docs] def get_username(self): """ Returns the username or an empty string if there was no username. :return: the username :rtype: str """ if self.username: return self.username else: return ""
[docs] def set_username(self, username): """ Set the username. :param username: the username :type username: str """ if username != self.username: self.synced = False self.username = username
[docs] def has_legacy_password(self): """ Returns True if the legacy password is set. :return: :rtype: bool """ return self.legacy_password and len(str(self.legacy_password)) > 0
[docs] def get_legacy_password(self): """ Returns the legacy password if set or an empty string otherwise. :return: the legacy password :rtype: str """ if self.legacy_password: return self.legacy_password else: return ""
[docs] def set_legacy_password(self, legacy_password): """ Set a legacy password. :param legacy_password: a legacy password :type legacy_password: str """ if legacy_password != self.legacy_password: self.synced = False self.legacy_password = legacy_password
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_character_set(): """ Returns the default character set. :return: the default character set :rtype: str """ return DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_DIGITS + DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_LOWER_CASE + DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_UPPER_CASE + \ DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_EXTRA
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lower_case_character_set(): """ Returns the lower case character set. :return: the lower case character set :rtype: str """ return DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_LOWER_CASE
[docs] @staticmethod def get_upper_case_character_set(): """ Returns the upper case character set. :return: the upper case character set :rtype: str """ return DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_UPPER_CASE
[docs] @staticmethod def get_digits_character_set(): """ Returns the digits character set. :return: the digits character set :rtype: str """ return DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_DIGITS
[docs] def get_character_set(self): """ Returns the character set as a string. :return: character set :rtype: str """ used_characters = "" if 'n' in self.get_template(): used_characters += DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_DIGITS if 'a' in self.get_template(): used_characters += DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_LOWER_CASE if 'A' in self.get_template(): used_characters += DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_UPPER_CASE if 'o' in self.get_template(): used_characters += self.get_extra_character_set() return used_characters
[docs] def get_extra_character_set(self): """ Returns the set of special characters. :return: set of special characters :rtype: str """ return self.extra_characters
[docs] def set_extra_character_set(self, extra_set): """ Sets the set of special characters. This function does not check if these characters are in the whole character set. :param extra_set: string of special characters :type extra_set: str """ if extra_set is None or len(extra_set) <= 0: self.extra_characters = DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_EXTRA else: self.extra_characters = extra_set
[docs] def get_salt(self): """ Returns the salt. :return: the salt :rtype: bytes """ return self.salt
[docs] def set_salt(self, salt): """ You should normally pass bytes as a salt. For convenience this method also accepts strings which get UTF-8 encoded and stored in binary format. If in doubt pass bytes. :param salt: :type salt: bytes or str """ if type(salt) == bytes: if self.salt != salt: self.synced = False self.salt = salt elif type(salt) == str: if self.salt != salt.encode('utf-8'): self.synced = False self.salt = salt.encode('utf-8') else: raise TypeError("The salt should be bytes.")
[docs] def new_salt(self): """ Creates a new salt for the setting. """ self.salt = Crypter.createSalt()
[docs] def get_length(self): """ Returns the desired password length. :return: length :rtype: int """ return len(self.get_template())
[docs] def get_iterations(self): """ Returns the iteration count which is to be used. :return: iteration count :rtype: int """ return self.iterations
[docs] def set_iterations(self, iterations): """ Sets the iteration count integer. :param iterations: :type iterations: int """ if self.iterations != iterations: self.synced = False self.iterations = iterations
[docs] def get_c_date(self): """ Returns the creation date as a datetime object. :return: the creation date :rtype: datetime """ return self.creation_date
[docs] def get_creation_date(self): """ Returns the creation date as string. :return: the creation date :rtype: str """ return self.creation_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
[docs] def set_creation_date(self, creation_date): """ Sets the creation date passed as string. :param creation_date: :type creation_date: str """ if self.creation_date != creation_date: self.synced = False try: self.creation_date = datetime.strptime(creation_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except ValueError: print("This date has a wrong format: " + creation_date) if self.modification_date < self.creation_date: self.modification_date = self.creation_date
[docs] def get_m_date(self): """ Returns the modification date as a datetime object. :return: the modification date :rtype: datetime """ return self.modification_date
[docs] def get_modification_date(self): """ Returns the modification date as string. :return: the modification date :rtype: str """ return self.modification_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
[docs] def set_modification_date(self, modification_date=None): """ Sets the modification date passed as string. :param modification_date: :type modification_date: str """ if modification_date and self.modification_date != modification_date: self.synced = False if type(modification_date) == str: try: self.modification_date = datetime.strptime(modification_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except ValueError: print("This date has a wrong format: " + modification_date) else: self.modification_date = if self.modification_date < self.creation_date: print("The modification date was before the creation Date. " + "Setting the creation date to the earlier date.") self.creation_date = self.modification_date
[docs] def get_notes(self): """ Returns the notes. :return: the notes :rtype: str """ if self.notes: return self.notes else: return ""
[docs] def set_notes(self, notes): """ Sets some note. This overwrites existing notes. :param notes: :type notes: str """ if notes != self.notes: self.synced = False self.notes = notes
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Returns a url if there is one. :return: the url :rtype: str """ if self.url: return self.url else: return ""
[docs] def set_url(self, url): """ Sets a url. :param url: the url :type url: str """ if url != self.url: self.synced = False else: return self.url
[docs] def get_full_template(self): """ Constructs a template string with digit and semicolon. :return: template string :rtype: str """ complexity = self.get_complexity() if complexity >= 0: return str(complexity) + ";" + self.get_template() else: return self.get_template()
[docs] def calculate_template(self, use_lower_case=None, use_upper_case=None, use_digits=None, use_extra=None): """ Calculates a new template based on the character set configuration and the length. :param use_extra: Gets this setting from the current template if None. :type use_extra: bool :param use_digits: Gets this setting from the current template if None. :type use_digits: bool :param use_upper_case: Gets this setting from the current template if None. :type use_upper_case: bool :param use_lower_case: Gets this setting from the current template if None. :type use_lower_case: bool """ if use_lower_case is None: use_lower_case = 'a' in self.get_template() if use_upper_case is None: use_upper_case = 'A' in self.get_template() if use_digits is None: use_digits = 'n' in self.get_template() if use_extra is None: use_extra = 'o' in self.get_template() l = [] inserted_lower = False inserted_upper = False inserted_digit = False inserted_extra = False for _ in range(self.get_length()): if use_lower_case and not inserted_lower: l.append('a') inserted_lower = True elif use_upper_case and not inserted_upper: l.append('A') inserted_upper = True elif use_digits and not inserted_digit: l.append('n') inserted_digit = True elif use_extra and not inserted_extra: l.append('o') inserted_extra = True else: l.append('x') shuffle(l) self.template = ''.join(l)
[docs] def get_template(self): """ Returns the template without digit and semicolon. :return: template :rtype: str """ return self.template
[docs] def set_template(self, full_template): """ Sets a template from a complete template string with digit and semicolon. This also preferences the template so other settings might get ignored. :param full_template: complete template string :type full_template: str """ matches = re.compile("(([01234567]);)?([aAnox]+)").match(full_template) if matches and len(matches.groups()) >= 3: if self.set_complexity(int( self.template =
[docs] def set_complexity(self, complexity): """ Sets the complexity by activating the appropriate character groups. :param complexity: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 :type complexity: int """ if not 0 <= complexity <= 7: ValueError("The complexity must be in the range 0 to 7.")
[docs] def get_complexity(self): """ Returns the complexity as a digit from 0 to 6. If the character selection does not match a complexity group -1 is returned. :return: a digit from 0 to 6 or -1 :rtype: int """ if 'n' in self.get_template() and 'a' not in self.get_template() and \ 'A' not in self.get_template() and 'o' not in self.get_template(): return 0 elif 'n' not in self.get_template() and 'a' in self.get_template() and \ 'A' not in self.get_template() and 'o' not in self.get_template(): return 1 elif 'n' not in self.get_template() and 'a' not in self.get_template() and \ 'A' in self.get_template() and 'o' not in self.get_template(): return 2 elif 'n' in self.get_template() and 'a' in self.get_template() and \ 'A' not in self.get_template() and 'o' not in self.get_template(): return 3 elif 'n' not in self.get_template() and 'a' in self.get_template() and \ 'A' in self.get_template() and 'o' not in self.get_template(): return 4 elif 'n' in self.get_template() and 'a' in self.get_template() and \ 'A' in self.get_template() and 'o' not in self.get_template(): return 5 elif 'n' in self.get_template() and 'a' in self.get_template() and \ 'A' in self.get_template() and 'o' in self.get_template(): return 6 elif 'n' not in self.get_template() and 'a' not in self.get_template() and \ 'A' not in self.get_template() and 'o' in self.get_template(): return 7 else: return -1
[docs] def is_synced(self): """ Query if the synced flag is set. The flag switches to false if settings are changed. :return: is synced? :rtype: bool """ return self.synced
[docs] def set_synced(self, is_synced=True): """ Sets the synced state. Call this after syncing. :param is_synced: :type is_synced: bool """ self.synced = is_synced
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary with settings to be saved. :return: a dictionary with settings to be saved :rtype: dict """ domain_object = {"domain": self.get_domain()} if self.get_url(): domain_object["url"] = self.get_url() if self.get_username(): domain_object["username"] = self.get_username() if self.get_legacy_password(): domain_object["legacyPassword"] = self.get_legacy_password() if self.notes: domain_object["notes"] = self.get_notes() domain_object["iterations"] = self.get_iterations() if self.salt: domain_object["salt"] = str(b64encode(self.get_salt()), encoding='utf-8') domain_object["cDate"] = self.get_creation_date() domain_object["mDate"] = self.get_modification_date() domain_object["extras"] = self.get_extra_character_set() domain_object["passwordTemplate"] = self.get_template() return domain_object
[docs] def load_from_dict(self, loaded_setting): """ Loads the setting from a dictionary. :param loaded_setting: :type loaded_setting: dict """ if "url" in loaded_setting: self.set_url(loaded_setting["url"]) if "username" in loaded_setting: self.set_username(loaded_setting["username"]) if "legacyPassword" in loaded_setting: self.set_legacy_password(loaded_setting["legacyPassword"]) if "notes" in loaded_setting: self.set_notes(loaded_setting["notes"]) if "iterations" in loaded_setting: self.set_iterations(loaded_setting["iterations"]) if "salt" in loaded_setting: self.set_salt(b64decode(loaded_setting["salt"])) if "cDate" in loaded_setting: self.set_creation_date(loaded_setting["cDate"]) if "mDate" in loaded_setting: self.set_modification_date(loaded_setting["mDate"]) if "extras" in loaded_setting: self.set_extra_character_set(loaded_setting["extras"]) if "passwordTemplate" in loaded_setting: self.set_template(loaded_setting["passwordTemplate"]) if "length" in loaded_setting and "usedCharacters" in loaded_setting and \ "passwordTemplate" not in loaded_setting: self.template = "o"*int(loaded_setting["length"]) self.set_extra_character_set(loaded_setting["usedCharacters"]) self.calculate_template(False, False, False, True)
[docs] def ask_for_input(self): """ Displays some input prompts for the settings properties. """ self.set_username(input('Benutzername: ')) wants_legacy_password = input('Möchten Sie ein Passwort generieren (Alternative: nur speichern)? [J/n] ') if wants_legacy_password in ['n', 'N', 'speichern', 'save', 'no', 'nein', 'Nein', 'No', 'Nay']: self.set_legacy_password(getpass.getpass('klassisches Passwort: ')) else: length_str = input('Passwortlänge [' + str(self.get_length()) + ']: ') try: length = int(length_str) if length <= 0: length = self.get_length() except ValueError: length = self.get_length() self.set_template("6;" + "x"*length) self.calculate_template(True, True, True, True) iterations_str = input('Iterationszahl [' + str(self.get_iterations()) + ']: ') try: iterations = int(iterations_str) if iterations <= 0: iterations = self.get_iterations() except ValueError: iterations = self.get_iterations() self.set_iterations(iterations)